It’s understandable why some reptiles might give people uneasy feelings and why they would not want to keep one as a pet. Frogs are not one of them. Even popular children’s characters are based on frogs, like Kermit and Michigan J. Frog.
Though this is the case it’s a little surprising you don’t see more of them in homes. Some frogs can be a little complicated to keep as a pet but many others are actually fairly easy.
Here we will take a look at what are largely considered the best options for beginners due to all of them being fairly easy to care for.
Table of Contents
The Most Popular Starter Species
These are the five most common pet frog species and thus often considered the best pet frogs due to the fact they are very beginner friendly and tend not to require complicated setups.
1. American Bullfrog
The American bullfrog is native to both the USA and Canada making it a very easy species for those living in North American to get their hands on. That’s always a bonus when you are looking for a particular type of animal to keep as a pet.
One of the main reasons aside from ease of access that makes them one of the best pet frogs for new owners is that they are not picky eaters. American bullfrogs love to feast on everything from mealworms to small fish. You have a lot of options when purchasing their food.
They do require a fairy complex enclosure however, so this might be a drawback for some people. The good news is you can take your time to set everything up before you get your new bullfrog.
PROS: Sturdy build and the very opposite of picky when it comes to eating
CONS: Their tank can be a bit of a headache preparing, so it might be too demanding for new reptile owners
2. Pacman Frog
Buy your new Pacman frog here. Choose from strawberry, green, albino and more!
Pacman frogs are great for first time frog owners. They are super cute and not too difficult to take care of.
Like bullfrogs above, Pacman frogs love to eat and are OK with a wide variety of different feeders. They also tend to burrow themselves to hide and grab prey as it passed by making them very simple to feed.
Unlike bullfrogs though, their enclosure is also fairly simple to setup. You need all the basics like a good substrate and the correct humidity and temperature, but the requirements are all rather standard and not all all difficult to dial in for the all too adorable Pacman frog.
PROS: One of the easier pet frogs to take of and they are not frail in any way
CONS: They spend a lot of time buried in their substrate, so you may not actually see them much
3. White’s Tree Frog
One of the coolest things about White’s tree frogs is that unlike many others, they are perfectly fine sharing their enclosure with others. So, if you want several frogs (of the same species) and not just one they make the perfect choice.
What makes them easy to care for is that they require a much simpler enclosure compared to many other frog species. You will need a rather large one, especially if you decide to house more than one of them together. But, they are OK with wide ranges in temperature and humidity.
Like many other pet frogs they are hearty eaters too.
PROS: Great for owners who want more than one frog without the need too have more than one enclosure
CONS: Not many, but slighter more difficult to find in pet shops
4. African Dwarf Frog
If you are looking for a very cute and slightly different beginner pet frog you might have found it. African dwarf frogs are a bit different than the others on this list however. They are fully-aquatic amphibians.
The tank you need for an African dwarf frog is much more like a fish aquarium than a reptile enclosure. They don’t need giant tanks, but they do need a substrate, deep enough water to swim in, room to surface for oxygen and a cover that will keep them from hopping out.
Aside from providing clean water that stays within a reasonably warm temperature range (around 24 – 26 degrees Celsius) and a healthy diet, there isn’t too much more you need to worry about.
PROS: Offer a different style of pet due to being a fully-aquatic frog
CONS: Caring for them is more like owning a fish than a frog, so this might not what you’re looking for
5. Amazon Milk Frog
Like most of the other frogs on this list minus the dwarf frogs above, Amazon milk frogs are fairly large. If there’s one theme to take away from this list it should be that larger less dainty frogs tend to be easier to take care because they aren’t as sensitive to minor temperature and humidity changes. And, they also are not picky eaters.
The Amazon milk frog completely fit that theme.
Like White’s tree frogs, they are OK to house together so they are another option for those wishing to have an enclosure with several frogs instead of one. It’s best to leave them in said enclosure though as they aren’t the best species for handling.
PROS: They don’t mind living with other frogs of the same species
CONS: They are not very good with handling
Runners Up
There are other frog species that make great pets, but not all of them can make the top five. That doesn’t mean they aren’t worth consider however. Here are a few more options to consider.
American Green Tree Frog – This species can be found in the wild from Virginia to Florida in the USA. The American green tree frog is small and easy to care for but can be considered boring because they’re nocturnal.
Red Eyed Tree Frog – Known for their amazing coloration, they are found natively through out Central American and Southern Mexico. While their cool bright colors make them popular pets, a red eyed tree frog is one of the easier pet frogs to care for.
You can shop for red-eyed tree frogs online here.
Tomato Frog – As their name suggests, tomato frogs are bright red and very cool looking. They are native to Madagascar. They make great pets and are gaining popularity as such.
Poison Dart Frog – While their name makes them sound scary, captive-bred and kept poison dart frogs don’t actually produce any toxins. Their vivid colors and fairly simple to maintain living conditions makes them a popular option.
Gray Tree Frog – An odd looking entry in this “best of” list, the gray tree frog is a medium-sized pet frog. They don’t need a lot of super specialized environmental setup or upkeep, making them great for beginners. But, they do tend to hide a lot and their natural colors make them hard to spot in their enclosures, unlike the poison dart frogs mentioned above.
Frogs can make good pets, but it depends on the individual species and the person’s ability to provide proper care. Some frogs are better suited for experienced pet owners, while others, like those listed above, are better for beginners.
It’s important to research the specific needs of the species you’re interested in and to make sure you can provide a suitable environment (enclosure), diet and veterinary care.
Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that some species of frogs are protected by law and cannot be kept as pets. If you stray from any of our recommendation make sure to check your state’s laws before making a purchase.
Any of these five species discussed above, as well as the runners up are great frogs for beginners and first time owners. They are on the easier side for care, and most of them are not picky eaters.
They each offer a bit of a different experience too. For example, Pacman frogs are quite large, like to be alone and don’t move around much while milk frogs can be very active and you can keep a few of them together. Then there are even dwarf frogs which will spend their entire lives in water.
You have a good selection of breeds to choose from and no matter your choice you are sure to happy with your new pet frog.
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